For 2.5 weeks I am traveling as a PT to the Dominican Republic with a group of 22 PT students and other professionals to care for patients. I will be with 2 of the students at Hospital de Los Ninos, a pediatric hospital.
It looks like a Bougainvillea, which can be either a vine or shrub and comes in many colors; white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and red- even variagated. Like the pointsettia, the "flowers" are really colored leaves, while the actual flower is tiny. My Dad grew a purple vine form up his Florida mailbox and it was definitely one of his favorites.
It looks like a Bougainvillea, which can be either a vine or shrub and comes in many colors; white, yellow, orange, pink, purple, and red- even variagated. Like the pointsettia, the "flowers" are really colored leaves, while the actual flower is tiny. My Dad grew a purple vine form up his Florida mailbox and it was definitely one of his favorites.